My Story

Picture of Clelia standing at the head of a conference table with her hands on the tabletop

From There to Here
Born to Help Others

Sometimes I think I was born to have the life I’m living right now. I’m passionate about helping and supporting others and advocating for people who ask the question: Where do I go from here? These are questions from caregivers. They are the same questions asked by women. 

Several years ago, I assumed both those roles. There were responsibilities I wanted to take on for people I loved. Namely, my grandparents. There were also responsibilities to keep myself moving forward. It was not easy ... not one bit of it ... and it took a toll that ultimately forced me into figuring out how to pick up the pieces and regroup.

These life experiences and essentially unexpected challenges inspired me on a journey of self-discovery. What I learned left me with a mission to help others ... to help caregivers rise above the frustrating and emotionally draining outcomes of caregiving responsibilities andwomen establish goals, manage the challenges of realizing them, and achieve balance in their lives. My goal is to help all these dedicated individuals become the best versions of themselves.

I recognize that in all our lives bad things happen. Somewhat tongue-in-cheek, I point out that mine happened early on.

The challenges I experienced from those events and all the good that came out of them taught me so much. I took in the emotions and the learning of each of these experiences and have grown from a young child to a young adult to a woman who is completely committed to helping others and to being a resource for them—and to accomplish things at home and at work with effectiveness, focus, efficiency, and tremendous caring.

If it hadn’t been for those experiences, I wouldn’t have gained such clarity and the inspiration to help others on their journey of caregiving and/or self-discovery. I call all these experiences my life lessons. These life lessons came out of difficult times. They gave me such focus that I am not only motivated but also capable of helping others who provide care for a loved one with dementia and/or other co-morbidities. I am also able to help women find their way to living a fulfilling life and have created WomenCare to accomplish these goals.

A group picture of Clelia's family

Perhaps the biggest lesson I learned was that the answers I was looking for were there for me all along. And that’s where Legacy, as I view Legacy, plays a central part. Legacy involves all those values and beliefs you assimilate from your family while growing up. It’s also how you apply them in your adult life and role model them to your children, if you have children, or others with whom you interact or have influence.

Sometimes things happen that make you doubt that compass. But if you persevere, you will find what’s in your head and your heart, make it your Legacy and tie all your actions into that legacy to make certain the experiences you create fulfill your purpose, reflect your ideas, and fulfill the intrinsic values of those special people who have come before you.

In the end, reconnecting with the values with which I grew up in an environment of unconditional love and an understanding of the importance of the bonds of family saved me and got me to my life’s purpose: to recognize that all of us have strength and capability within ourselves...

To help others
To make our lives better 
To make the world a better place

We just have to live life to find it. Go out and find your power.

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Helping You

Services to Move You Forward. Get You Where You Need to Be.My experiences and the great role modeling from my mom and my grandparents imbued me with resilience. It was that resilience that prevented me from playing the victim but motivated me to stand tall, make the most of life challenges, so that I was creating my life rather than letting it mold me.

I learned a lot through all my challenges. And grew from all the wonderful, great things and role modeling that came my way. A journey that helps us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our purpose is never without pain or mistakes. And a passage of self-discovery is never truly over. If we’re paying attention, though, our journey gets us to milestones on which we can build—milestones that time and again lead us to a better place.  I’m happy that I can share the fruits of my labor with you.

NJ Elder Law Center

As co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of New Jersey’s most distinctive elder law firm, NJ Elder Law Center at Goldberg Law Group (NJELC), I established and built an infrastructure to enable the firm to grow, deliver more value to clients and staff and implement seamless processes for maximum efficiency. This model completely disrupted the typical law firm model and provided a new design enabling not only our organization to thrive but for you to thrive as you surmount your or your family’s elder care issues so that you navigate to the best solutions.Caregiving Support Group

Laura Huisking, who cared for her mother when she was dying of cancer, is the Founder of Generations Counseling & Care Management, LLC. I lead two support groups with Laura: caregiver support to a spouse or partner and caregiving support to a sibling. The stories participants tell during the meetings will fill your soul. People are not afraid to let go and cry. But I can guarantee everyone laughs at least once during a session.

Fundraising Events

Our veterans have fought and sacrificed their lives to protect our country. Our Boy Scouts continue to pay it forward and be a helping hand to those in need.


I work with other professionals to sponsor many meetups that give women the chance to enjoy downtime with a night at a spa or other wellness retreat. It’s a great time to get away from your routine, meet people and talk, share ideas, and have fun—even sponsor an event. I believe that women grow from these experiences.


I chair the New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA) Women’s Business Leaders Council, a leadership council that identifies and implements ways to advance the next generation of women into the C-Suite through leadership workshops for members. I also play a prominent role in the Women In Business Program in the Morris County Chamber of Commerce and am pleased to sponsor many speaker events that inspire and educate members to be their best personal and professional selves.


Most recently, I’ve founded the nonprofit Ragazzi, an Italian American organization for under 50 entrepreneurs. These men and women are building companies and committed to drawing attention to the Italian American culture and keeping it alive in this country.

Use Ragazzi members services. Come to an event. Enjoy support and grow from the experience.

Clelia's Achievements

NJ Biz Forty Under 40 logo badge
Leading Women Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Top 25 logo badge
2019 NJBIZ Best Fifty Women in Business logo badge.
Boy Scouts of America Tribute To Women logo badge.
Make me your first call.
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